2025 Old Town Business Donation Opportunities
Supporter: $100
Old Town businesses that donate $100 will receive a window decal showing support for the Parade, and will be highlighted (with web site link) in pre-parade emails sent to 1,500 parade participants, volunteers, and supporters, who will be encouraged to give you business on Parade Day & Weekend!
Parade Donor: $250
The above benefits, plus recognition on/in:
The Parade website home page and Events page (www.washingtonbirthday.com)
The George Washington Celebration newsletter distributed to 1,500 parade participants, volunteers & supporters, for up to one year
A full-page sponsor thank-you advertisement in Zebra, doorstep-delivered to 30,000 businesses & residents
Supporting Sponsor: $500
All of the above benefits, plus recognition on/in:
The press release announcing the Parade and all February events
The Visit Alexandria website
The Parade Order of March made downloadable to thousands of parade spectators on Parade Day
The Parade Review Stand banner
Check out other George Washington Parade & Events sponsorship opportunities at www.washingtonbirthday.com under Sponsorships!
Payment Options
Your tax-deductible donation will be kept in an account reserved exclusively for the support of the 2025 George Washington Birthday Parade & Celebration.
Online: Click HERE. Please identify the name of the sponsorship in the Comments field.
By check or money order: Make payable to the City of Alexandria, with George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee or GWBCC in the memo field. Mail to GWBCC Sponsorships, c/o Mary Bramley, 220 N. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.