2025 Old Town Business Donation Opportunities

Supporter: $100

Old Town businesses that donate $100 will receive a window decal showing support for the Parade, and will be highlighted (with web site link) in pre-parade emails sent to 1,500 parade participants, volunteers, and supporters, who will be encouraged to give you business on Parade Day & Weekend!

Parade Donor: $250

The above benefits, plus recognition on/in:

  • The Parade website home page and Events page (www.washingtonbirthday.com)

  • The George Washington Celebration newsletter distributed to 1,500 parade participants, volunteers & supporters, for up to one year

  • A full-page sponsor thank-you advertisement in Zebra, doorstep-delivered to 30,000 businesses & residents

Supporting Sponsor: $500

All of the above benefits, plus recognition on/in:

  • The press release announcing the Parade and all February events

  • The Visit Alexandria website

  • The Parade Order of March made downloadable to thousands of parade spectators on Parade Day

  • The Parade Review Stand banner

Check out other George Washington Parade & Events sponsorship opportunities at www.washingtonbirthday.com under Sponsorships!

Payment Options

Your tax-deductible donation will be kept in an account reserved exclusively for the support of the 2025 George Washington Birthday Parade & Celebration.

  • Online:  Click HERE. Please identify the name of the sponsorship in the Comments field.

  • By check or money order: Make payable to the City of Alexandria, with George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee or GWBCC in the memo field.  Mail to GWBCC Sponsorships, c/o Mary Bramley, 220 N. Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314.