2024 George Washington Birthday Parade

George Washington’s Day • February 19, 2024 • 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. • Old Town Alexandria


George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee website:  www.washingtonbirthday.com

Parade Organizers contact info: gwbirthdayevents@gmail.com

 By registering to participate in the parade, your organization and all participating in the parade are agreeing to adhere to the following guidelines:

Application Process and Fees

  • All units must apply to participate in the parade.  All applications must be submitted no later than January 29, 2024.

  • All parade units must pay an application fee of $75 with the submission of their application.  Fees increase to $125 per unit after January 15. The application fee is non-refundable upon acceptance of the application, unless the parade is cancelled by the Parade Organizers.

  • By choosing to participate in the parade, all participants are agreeing to follow the 2024 Parade Rules & Procedures. Unit leaders are responsible for distributing the rules and procedures to members of their Unit.

  • An application does not automatically confirm participation in the parade.  The Parade Organizers reserve the right to decline a group’s participation or restrict parade content at any time.

Parade Content

  • The 2024 Parade Theme is “George Washington: Alexandria’s Original Living Legend.” The Grand Marshal will be representatives of the Living Legends of Alexandria, individuals who have contributed to the community in an exemplary and lasting way that has significantly impacted the quality of life in Alexandria and serves as an inspiration to others. 2024 is also the 275th Birthday of the founding of the City of Alexandria.

  • All parade units are strongly encouraged to comply with the parade theme. This would include things related to George Washington, patriotism, birthday celebrations, and/or the annual parade theme. Floats and musical/performance components are strongly encouraged.

  • Please remember that all parade units must be considering the theme in their attire and presentation. Coordinate your group’s attire to be on theme.

  • If your group exceeds 100 people, please specifically note on application.

  • All youth participants must be accompanied by adult chaperones who will be responsible for supervising all children waking in the parade or riding in parade vehicles/floats.

  • Unless specifically approved in advance of Parade Day, no amplified sounds (including, but not limited to, sounds from noise-making devices, portable "bull horns," or loudspeakers) will be permitted in the Parade. Upon request, the Parade Organizers will consider permission for use of sound amplification devices on an individual basis; however,  requests must be made by February 1, 2024 and approvals will be specific. 

  • No discharge of fireworks is permitted.

  • The George Washington Birthday Parade is a family-friendly event. All participants are expected to be respectful and avoid the use of profanity or any behavior that can be reasonably perceived as obscene, disorderly, or threatening. Conduct rising to the level of a hate crime under the law will not be tolerated.

Assembly and Check-in Procedures

  • Each Unit shall designate one individual to be the Parade Unit Leader who must be at the Parade Site on Parade Day. He or she should be familiar with the information detailed in this Rules & Procedures document and will be responsible for the order and conduct of each unit. Please indicate the name of this Parade Unit Leader on the Application.

  • Any changes in the Parade Unit Leader should be shared with the Parade Organizers as soon as possible by emailing gwbirthdayevents@gmail.com.

  • The Unit Leader shall attend any briefings prior to the parade and disseminate information to their unit’s participants.

  • Prior to the parade, the Parade Unit Leader will receive the unit’s Division Number, which designates where their unit will assemble, and Parade Order Number, which designates the exact order of each unit within the Division and the parade as a whole.

  • The Parade Unit Leader should check in with the Parade Marshal at the Unit’s assigned Assembly Area between 11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Parade Day.  Any one requiring assistance should go to the Information Table at the Parade Start Point.

  • The Parade Unit Leader is responsible for ensuring all parade participants form in their assigned Assembly Area no later than 12:00 Noon on parade day

  • Parade Marshals will direct the line-up of the marching units within each Division and may change the Parade Order Number if necessary.

  • The lead parade unit will cross the Start Point on a signal promptly at 1:00 p.m.

Photography and Filming Notice

  • By participating in the parade, photographers, videographers, and press are likely to film or photograph your group/organization. Your participation, including the participation of children in your group, indicates consent to be photographed or filmed.

  • Please be mindful of how your group’s participation will appear in photographs and on camera.


  • Safety is a priority during the parade. Please be aware that anything that lands in the parade route increases the risk of children entering the parade route unexpectedly, creating an unsafe situation.

  • Candy may only be handed out along the parade route. Nothing may be thrown due to safety concerns.  

  • No blowing of bubbles permitted.

  • No campaign flyers or other literature may be passed out during the parade.

  • Please contact the Parade Organizers at gwbirthdayevents@gmail.org in advance to request permission to hand out items other than candy along the parade route.


  • Traditional or ornamental weapons are acceptable as part of a group’s uniform or costume. All knives, swords or spears carried in the parade as part of a uniform or costume must have a dull blade.

  • Guns, model guns or other replicas are prohibited in the parade. Exceptions are made for participating law enforcement, historical reenactors, and military units.

  • Discharging of any weapons is prohibited without prior approval by the Parade Organizers. Discharging weapons requires additional permits and coordination with local law enforcement, so must be requested at time of application and not the day of the parade.

 Vehicles and Floats

  • All vehicles in the parade must be driven by someone with a valid driver’s license and be able to show proof of insurance for the vehicle.

  • All vehicles and floats must be in place in the Parade Assembly Area the day of the Parade no later than 11:30 a.m.

  • All float railings must be a minimum of 36” tall.

  • Trailers must be towed by an accompanying vehicle and have a turning radius of not less than 90 degrees.

  • The City of Alexandria has restrictions on oversize vehicles:

    • Single unit vehicles may not exceed 8 feet wide, 40 feet long.

    • Truck dimensions may not exceed 8 feet wide, 55 feet long.

    • Buses may not exceed 8 feet 6 inches wide, 60 feet long.

  • Vehicles and floats should not exceed 12 feet in height.

  • Only vehicles with a parade pass are permitted in the Parade. These will be distributed in advance and must be displayed at all times while in the Parade Assembly Area and Parade Route.

  • Parking is limited and participants are responsible for parking and walking to the Assembly Area. A limited number of parking spaces are reserved for parade unit participants near the Assembly Area and will be prioritized for those most in need. Parking passes must be displayed at all times. All units requiring use of a passenger vehicle near the Parade Assembly Area will notify gwbirthdayevents@gmail.com by February 1, 2024, to request a pass.

Participation of Elected Officials

  • Participating elected officials are limited to the person currently serving in the role at the time of the event.

Safety and Logistics

  • All participants agree to report to your group’s specified assigned assembly location at the requested time and to follow directions from all on-site parade organizers, staff, and public-safety personnel.

  • Parade units may not switch locations with another group in the parade.

  • The Alexandria Police Department (APD) will clear the Parade Route from curb to curb, maintain order, and control vehicular traffic. Participants must follow the direction of APD officers and staff.

  • The conduct and movement of the parade is under the command of the Parade Marshals. All parade participants are expected to agreeably comply with the directions of Parade Marshals at all times. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal.

  • All units will march at a pace set by the lead unit. Each subsequent unit is expected to keep pace and maintain a proper interval. To insure no distracting gaps for parade spectators, all units will maintain an interval (distance from the front of one unit to the rear of the unit preceding) of not less than 15 feet and not more than 25 feet throughout the parade. Youth Group units (e.g., Cub Scouts) will maintain a 5-foot interval between other units within these Divisions.

  • All units must keep moving along the parade route unless approved to stop for a performance or demonstration in advance by the Parade Organizers. The stop must be less than one minute in duration and the group must close any gaps in the parade to ensure proper spacing is restored.

  • All units requiring the use of a bus must notify the Parade Organizers at gwbirthdayevents@gmail.com by February 1, 2024. Each bus will be assigned a specific area to drop off the unit and a specific area where each bus may park after that. Each bus must display a pass at all times.


  • All animal waste should be cleaned up and disposed of during the parade by the unit’s participants. Each horse must wear a bag to catch droppings.

  • Animals may be included if they are related to your organization’s cause or central to your unit’s participation. All animals must be up to date on vaccinations and comfortable being in a crowd and around loud noises.

  • All canine participants should have a lead no longer than 6 feet. The use of retractable or extendable leashes is not permitted.


  • The parade is rain or shine. In the event of severe weather or conditions that require a cancellation for safety reasons, there is not a rescheduled date. Cancellation of the Parade will be posted at www.washingtonbirthday.com

  • Please notify the Parade Director immediately at gwbirthdayevents@gmail.com if your unit needs to cancel.

  • Registration fees are nonrefundable unless the Parade is cancelled by Parade Organizers.